====== bind DNS 安裝與設定 ====== 以下是針對 CentOS 6.x 預設 bind 的安裝與設定來說明, 似乎在 CentOS 7.x/5.x/4.x 也可以適用 ===== bind 安裝程序 ==== yum install bind * CentOS 7.x 安裝 bind 版本為 : 9.9.4-61.el7_5.1 * CentOS 6.x 安裝 bind 版本為 : 9.8.2-0.17 * CentOS 5.x 安裝 bind 版本為 : 9.3.4-6 * CentOS 4.x 安裝 bind 版本為 : 9.2.4-28 ===== bind 設定程序 ==== * 要產生 log 檔在 /var/log/named/named.log 內 ++語法| su - root cd /var/log/ mkdir named cd named/ touch named.log cd .. chown -R named:named named/ ++ * 讓 / 可以同步傳送存取 * 有更動時可主動通知 / 這兩台的 DNS * 除了 192.168.11.* 可以查詢外部 Domain Name 其餘只能查 DNS 有定義的 Domain Name vi /etc/named.conf logging { channel Named_log { file "/var/log/named/named.log" versions unlimited; severity info; print-severity yes; print-time yes; }; category default {Named_log; }; category xfer-out {Named_log; }; category queries {Named_log; }; channel default_debug { file "data/named.run"; severity dynamic; }; channel security_file { file "/var/log/named/security.log" versions 3 size 30m; severity dynamic; print-time yes; }; category security {security_file; }; }; options { #listen-on port 53 {; }; #listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; }; directory "/var/named"; dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db"; statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt"; memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt"; allow-query { localhost;; }; auth-nxdomain yes; allow-recursion { localhost;;}; recursion yes; dnssec-enable yes; dnssec-validation yes; dnssec-lookaside auto; /* Path to ISC DLV key */ bindkeys-file "/etc/named.iscdlv.key"; managed-keys-directory "/var/named/dynamic"; allow-transfer {;; }; allow-notify {;; }; }; * 如果要限制 DNS 給所有 Internet 存取, 可以將 allow-query 加上 # #allow-query { localhost;; }; * 如果只想要提供 ipv4 的查詢, 可以編輯 /etc/sysconfig/named 後重新啟動 named : OPTIONS="-4" ===== 內外 DNS 與 IP 反查設定 ===== ==== /etc/named.conf ==== : : acl "lan" {; }; view "internal" { match-clients { lan; }; zone "." IN { type hint; file "named.ca"; }; include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // 192.168.11.xxx reverse address hosts // ------------------------------------------------------------------- zone "11.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN { type master; file "data/named.rev-192.168.11"; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ichiayi.com domain // ------------------------------------------------------------------- zone "ichiayi.com" { type master; file "data/internal.ichiayi.com"; allow-transfer { none; }; }; }; view "external" { match-clients { any; }; zone "." IN { type hint; file "named.ca"; }; include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ichiayi.com domain // ------------------------------------------------------------------- zone "ichiayi.com" { type master; file "data/named.ichiayi.com"; notify yes; }; : : : : }; include "/etc/named.root.key"; ==== /var/named/data/internal.ichiayi.com ==== ; ; ns1: /var/named/internal.ichiayi.com ; Zone hosts file for internal of ichiayi.com ; $TTL 86400 $ORIGIN ichiayi.com. @ 3H IN SOA ns7.ichiayi.com. root.ichiayi.com. ( 200811050234 ; serial (d. adams) 2H ; refresh 15M ; retry 1W ; expiry 12H ) ; default_ttl (minimum) 3H IN NS ns7.ichiayi.com. ; ; Mail exchanger ; ichiayi.com. IN A ichiayi.com. 0 IN MX 10 mail.ichiayi.com. : web IN A www IN CNAME web webmail IN CNAME web webmail IN CNAME web svn IN A isms IN A : ==== /var/named/data/named.ichiayi.com ==== ; ; ns1: /var/named/named.ichiayi.com ; Zone hosts file for ichiayi.com ; $TTL 86400 $ORIGIN ichiayi.com. @ 3H IN SOA ns7.ichiayi.com. ns4.everplast.net. ( 200811040420 ; serial (d. adams) 2H ; refresh 15M ; retry 1W ; expiry 12H ) ; default_ttl (minimum) 3H IN NS ns7.ichiayi.com. 3H IN NS ns4.everplast.net. ; ; Mail exchanger ; ichiayi.com. IN A ichiayi.com. 0 IN MX 10 mail.ichiayi.com. : web IN A www IN CNAME web webmail IN CNAME web svn IN CNAME web isms IN CNAME web : ==== /var/named/data/named.rev-192.168.11 ==== $ttl 38400 $ORIGIN 11.168.192.in-addr.arpa. @ IN SOA kvm-dns.ichiayi.com. sysop.ichiayi.com. ( 1092937215 ; serial number 3h ; refresh 15m ; update retry 3w ; expiry 3h ; nx = nxdomain ttl ) IN NS kvm-dns.ichiayi.com. IN NS ns.ichiayi.com. 232 IN PTR xen-www.ichiayi.com. : : * **設定預設名稱/萬用指向** 因為有需求在網站上提供名稱網址功能, 所以無法在 DNS 上一一的定義所有網址名稱, 因此在 DNS 內設定預設名稱/萬用指向對應到特定的 ip 來達成這樣的目的, 設定方式其實也很簡單, 只要在 DNS 定義檔最後一行加入 : ; * IN A 這樣所有在這 Domain Name 底下查詢不到的名稱, 就會有預設回覆對應的 IP ===== 設定開機自動啟動 ===== * systemctl enable named systemctl start named ===== 參考網址 ===== * http://cha.homeip.net/blog/archives/2006/05/bind9_view_stat.html * http://www.ihao.org/ss/html/30/t-230.html * http://www.zytrax.com/books/dns/ch3/ {{tag>named bind dns}}