====== Mantis 與 Dokuwiki 整合作法 ====== ===== - dokuwiki 部份 ===== - 先安裝好 dokuwiki,可參考 **[[tech:dokuwiki]]** - 安裝完成後的 dokuwiki 環境假設網址是 實體路徑 /var/www/html/dokuwiki - 更改 dokuwiki 系統設定檔 /var/www/html/dokuwiki/conf/local.protected.php (如果改 local.php 透過網頁介面更改就會不見) - 建立 mantis 認證程式碼 /var/www/html/dokuwiki/inc/auth/mantis.class.php cando['external'] = true; } /** * Authenticates the user using Mantis APIs. */ function trustExternal($user,$pass,$sticky=false){ global $USERINFO; global $conf; if ( auth_is_user_authenticated() ) { // okay we're logged in - set the globals $USERINFO['pass'] = current_user_get_field( 'password' ); $USERINFO['name'] = current_user_get_field( 'username' ); $USERINFO['mail'] = current_user_get_field( 'email' ); $t_project_name = getNS( getID() ); $t_project_id = project_get_id_by_name( $t_project_name ); $t_access_level = access_get_project_level( $t_project_id ); $t_access_level_string = strtoupper( get_enum_to_string( config_get( 'access_levels_enum_string' ), $t_access_level ) ); $USERINFO['grps'] = array( $t_access_level_string ); $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = $USERINFO['name']; $_SESSION[$conf['title']]['auth']['user'] = $USERINFO['name']; $_SESSION[$conf['title']]['auth']['info'] = $USERINFO; return true; } // to be sure auth_logoff(); return false; } /** * Logout from Mantis */ function logOff(){ auth_logout(); } /** * Retrieves the user data of the user identified by * username $user. This is used, e.g., by dokuwiki's * email notification feature. */ function getUserData( $user ) { $userData = false; $mantis_uid = user_get_id_by_name( $user ); if ( $mantis_uid ) { $userData['username'] = user_get_field( $mantis_uid, 'username' ); $userData['mail'] = user_get_field( $mantis_uid, 'email' ); $t_project_name = getNS( getID() ); $t_project_id = project_get_id_by_name( $t_project_name ); $t_access_level = access_get_project_level( $t_project_id , $mantis_uid ); $t_access_level_string = strtoupper( get_enum_to_string( config_get( 'access_levels_enum_string' ), $t_access_level ) ); $userData['grps'] = array( $t_access_level_string ); } return $userData; } } ?> - 修改權限檔 /var/www/html/dokuwiki/conf/acl.auth.php : * @ALL 0 * @VIEWER 1 * @REPORTER 2 * @DEVELOPER 8 * @MANAGER 8 * @ADMINISTRATOR 8 - 增加 Mantis Syntax Plug-in /var/www/html/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/mantis/syntax.php mkdir /var/www/html/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/mantis cd /var/www/html/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/mantis vi syntax.php 'Victor Boctor', 'email' => 'vboctor at users . sourceforge . net', 'date' => '2006-05-18', 'name' => 'Mantis Issues Plugin', 'desc' => 'Support References to Mantis Issues', 'url' => 'http://www.futureware.biz', ); } /** * What kind of syntax are we? */ function getType(){ return 'substition'; # typo is intentional } /** * What about paragraphs? */ function getPType(){ return 'normal'; } /** * Where to sort in? */ function getSort(){ return 156; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('~~Mantis:[0-9]+~~', $mode, 'plugin_mantis'); } /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler){ $match = substr( $match, 9, -2 ); // strip "~~Mantis:" from start and "~~" from end return array( strtolower( $match ) ); } /** * Create output */ function render($format, &$renderer, $data) { if ( $format == 'xhtml' ) { $renderer->externallink( MANTIS_URL . 'view.php?id=' . $data[0], $data[0] ); return true; } return false; } } ?> - 透過 dokuwiki 原本設定介面來更動 /var/www/html/dokuwiki/conf/local.php - Use access control lists -> 打勾(應該已經打勾) - Authentication backend -> mantis(上面的步驟完成才會出現 mantis 選項) - Default group -> VIEWER - Superuser -> @ADMINISTRATOR - 確認 /var/www/html/dokuwiki/conf/local.php 內應該要出現以下的設定值 $conf['useacl'] = 1; $conf['authtype'] = 'mantis'; $conf['defaultgroup'] = 'VIEWER'; $conf['superuser'] = '@ADMINISTRATOR'; 經過以上的設定,只要在 mantis 內登入, dokuwiki 也會依據 mantis 的身份權限出現在 dokuwiki 系統內 ===== - mantis 部份 ===== - Mantis 設定檔啟用 dokuwiki 整合定義 /var/www/html/mantis/config_inc.php : : ##################### # Wiki Integration ##################### # Wiki Integration Enabled? $g_wiki_enable = ON; # Wiki Engine $g_wiki_engine = 'dokuwiki'; # Wiki namespace to be used as root for all pages relating to this mantis installation. $g_wiki_root_namespace = 'mantis'; # URL under which the wiki engine is hosted. Must be on the same server. $g_wiki_engine_url = $t_protocol . '://' . $t_host . '/%wiki_engine%/'; - 其餘相關檔案 /var/www/html/mantis/core/wiki_api.php、wiki_dokuwiki_api.php、html_api.php 以及 /var/www/html/mantis/wiki.php 在 1.1.1 版本已經包含在內,不需要自己額外再建立 經過這樣的設定,Mantis 的檢視 Bug 頁面就會出現 wiki 可以直接連結整合的項目 {{tech:mantis_wiki.png|}} ===== 參考資料 ===== * http://www.mantisbt.org/wiki/doku.php/mantisbt:issue:7075:integration_with_dokuwiki {{tag>mantis dokuwiki 密技}}