GitLab 操作整理
重設 GitLab root 密碼
- 進入 gitlab console
gitlab-rails console
- 找到 root
user = User.find_by(username: 'root')
- 設定新密碼
user.password = '**new password**'
- 確認新密碼
user.password_confirmation = '**new password**'
- 將設定存檔
- 整體過程如下:
root@ct-gitlab ~# gitlab-rails console Ruby: ruby 2.7.2p137 (2020-10-01 revision 5445e04352) [x86_64-linux] GitLab: 13.6.3 (857c6c6a6a9) FOSS GitLab Shell: 13.13.0 PostgreSQL: 11.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loading production environment (Rails irb(main):001:0> irb(main):002:0> user = User.find_by(username: 'root') => #<User id:1 @root> irb(main):003:0> user.password = '**new password**' => "**new password**" irb(main):004:0> user.password_confirmation = '**new password**' => "**new password**" irb(main):005:0> Enqueued ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob (Job ID: dc1d94bf-bafb-45xx-b2ae-084xx8b820a4) to Sidekiq(mailers) with arguments: "DeviseMailer", "password_change", "deliver_now", {:args=>[#<GlobalID:0x00007f4354xxc600 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://gitlab/User/1>>]} => true irb(main):006:0> exit root@ct-gitlab ~#
git pull 記憶帳號密碼方式
- 語法
git config --global credential.helper store git pull
第一次輸入密碼後, 之後就不需要再輸入帳號密碼
- 如果之後有更改密碼, 就必須將 ~/.git-credentials 刪除重新再執行一次 git pull 設定帳號密碼
rm ~/.git-credentials git pull