MRTG 安裝與應用
- 安裝套件
apk add mrtg net-snmp
- 設定 snmpd.conf
- 啟動 snmpd 服務
rc-update add snmpd rc-service snmpd start
- 確認是否已經安裝 mrtg 套件
rpm -q mrtg [docsrv@ed ~]$ rpm -q mrtg mrtg-2.10.15-1
- 如果沒有安裝, 就執行
yum -y install mrtg
- 使用 snmpd 來讓 MRTG 監看網路流量
- 安裝 snmpd
rpm -q net-snmp [root@pd920 ~]# rpm -q net-snmp net-snmp-5.1.2-11.EL4.7
- 如果沒有安裝, 就執行 yum -y install net-snmp 來安裝
- 設定 snmpd
vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
com2sec notConfigUser default public group notConfigGroup v1 notConfigUser group notConfigGroup v2c notConfigUser view systemview included . view systemview included . view systemview included . view systemview included . access notConfigGroup "" any noauth exact systemview none none syslocation Taipei syscontact Admin <[email protected]>
service snmpd restart chkconfig snmpd on chkconfig --list | grep snmpd
- 使用簡單 script 來讓 MRTG 監看硬碟空間, CPU 負載..
- 可直接下載 trysrvtool 使用, 請參考 安裝 trysrvtool 程序
- 設定 mrtg.cfg
- 假設已經安裝 trysrvtool 在 /opt/trysrvtool/, 就可以在 /opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ 底下看到相關的 scripts
- 先使用 獲取目前網卡資訊
cd /etc/mrtg /opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ cat localhost.cfg >> mrtg.cfg vi /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
: ### Global Defaults # to get bits instead of bytes and graphs growing to the right Options[_]: growright, bits : : Target[eth1]: 3:[email protected] SetEnv[eth1]: MRTG_INT_IP="" MRTG_INT_DESCR="eth1" MaxBytes[eth1]: 1250000000 Options[eth1]: growright Title[eth1]: Traffic Analysis PageTop[eth1]: <H1>Stats for our eth0: Ethernet</H1> # # Target[disk_root]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/` MaxBytes[disk_root]: 50000000000 Options[disk_root]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[disk_root]: disk_root ShortLegend[disk_root]: Bytes LegendO[disk_root]: disk_root Available; LegendI[disk_root]: disk_root Used; Title[disk_root]: disk_root Usage PageTop[disk_root]: <H1>disk_root usage</H1> Target[disk_boot]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ /boot` MaxBytes[disk_boot]: 50000000000 Options[disk_boot]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[disk_boot]: disk_boot ShortLegend[disk_boot]: Bytes LegendO[disk_boot]: disk_boot Available; LegendI[disk_boot]: disk_boot Used; Title[disk_boot]: disk_boot Usage PageTop[disk_boot]: <H1>disk_boot usage</H1> Target[disk_data]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ /data` MaxBytes[disk_data]: 200000000000 Options[disk_data]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[disk_data]: disk_data ShortLegend[disk_data]: Bytes LegendO[disk_data]: disk_data Available; LegendI[disk_data]: disk_data Used; Title[disk_data]: disk_data Usage PageTop[disk_data]: <H1>disk_data usage</H1> Target[disk_backup]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ /backup` MaxBytes[disk_backup]: 200000000000 Options[disk_backup]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[disk_backup]: disk_backup ShortLegend[disk_backup]: Bytes LegendO[disk_backup]: disk_backup Available; LegendI[disk_backup]: disk_backup Used; Title[disk_backup]: disk_backup Usage PageTop[disk_backup]: <H1>disk_backup usage</H1> Target[cpuload]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/` MaxBytes[cpuload]: 100 Options[cpuload]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[cpuload]: CPU loading (%) ShortLegend[cpuload]: % LegendO[cpuload]: CPU User Loading; LegendI[cpuload]: CPU System Loading; Title[cpuload]: CPU Loading PageTop[cpuload]: <H1>CPU loading</H1> Target[cpuio]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/` MaxBytes[cpuio]: 100 Options[cpuio]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[cpuio]: cpuio (%) ShortLegend[cpuio]: % LegendO[cpuio]: cpu Idel; LegendI[cpuio]: cpu IOWait; Title[cpuio]: cpuio Loading PageTop[cpuio]: <H1>cpuio loading</H1> Target[memswap]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/` MaxBytes[memswap]: 8000000000 Options[memswap]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[memswap]: Memory (Bytes) ShortLegend[memswap]: Bytes LegendO[memswap]: Free Memory; LegendI[memswap]: Swap Memory; Title[memswap]: Memory Usage PageTop[memswap]: <H1>Memory Usage</H1> Target[sensors]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ sensors` MaxBytes[sensors]: 100 Options[sensors]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[sensors]: M/B (C) ShortLegend[sensors]: C LegendO[sensors]: M/B Temp ; LegendI[sensors]: M/B Temp; Title[sensors]: M/B Temperature PageTop[sensors]: <H1>M/B temperature</H1> Target[ups]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ ups` MaxBytes[ups]: 100 Options[ups]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[ups]: UPS (C) ShortLegend[ups]: C LegendO[ups]: UPS Temp ; LegendI[ups]: UPS Temp; Title[ups]: UPS Temperature PageTop[ups]: <H1>APC UPS temperature</H1> Target[sata_dev_sda]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ sata /dev/sda` MaxBytes[sata_dev_sda]: 100 Options[sata_dev_sda]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[sata_dev_sda]: HD (C) ShortLegend[sata_dev_sda]: C LegendO[sata_dev_sda]: data HD Temp ; LegendI[sata_dev_sda]: data HD Temp; Title[sata_dev_sda]: Hard Disk Temperature PageTop[sata_dev_sda]: <H1>Hard Disk temperature</H1> Target[sata_dev_sdb]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ sata /dev/sdb` MaxBytes[sata_dev_sdb]: 100 Options[sata_dev_sdb]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[sata_dev_sdb]: HD (C) ShortLegend[sata_dev_sdb]: C LegendO[sata_dev_sdb]: main HD Temp ; LegendI[sata_dev_sdb]: main HD Temp; Title[sata_dev_sdb]: Hard Disk Temperature PageTop[sata_dev_sdb]: <H1>Hard Disk temperature</H1> Target[smtp]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ 25` MaxBytes[smtp]: 500 Options[smtp]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[smtp]: smtp connect (#) ShortLegend[smtp]: # LegendO[smtp]: SMTP User Connecting; LegendI[smtp]: SMTP User Connected; Title[smtp]: SMTP Connections PageTop[smtp]: <H1>SMTP connections</H1> Target[pop3]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ 110` MaxBytes[pop3]: 500 Options[pop3]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[pop3]: pop3 connect (#) ShortLegend[pop3]: # LegendO[pop3]: POP3 User Connecting; LegendI[pop3]: POP3 User Connected; Title[pop3]: POP3 Connections PageTop[pop3]: <H1>POP3 connections</H1> Target[imap]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ 143` MaxBytes[imap]: 500 Options[imap]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[imap]: imap connect (#) ShortLegend[imap]: # LegendO[imap]: IMAP User Connecting; LegendI[imap]: IMAP User Connected; Title[imap]: IMAP Connections PageTop[imap]: <H1>IMAP connections</H1> Target[mail_queue]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/` MaxBytes[mail_queue]: 50000000000 Options[mail_queue]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[mail_queue]: mail_queue ShortLegend[mail_queue]: # LegendO[mail_queue]: mail_queue1 files; LegendI[mail_queue]: mail_queue2 files; Title[mail_queue]: mail_queue files PageTop[mail_queue]: <H1>mail_queue files</H1> Target[http]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ 80` MaxBytes[http]: 500 Options[http]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[http]: http connect (#) ShortLegend[http]: # LegendO[http]: HTTP User Connecting; LegendI[http]: HTTP User Connected; Title[http]: HTTP Connections PageTop[http]: <H1>HTTP connections</H1> Target[ssh]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ 22` MaxBytes[ssh]: 500 Options[ssh]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[ssh]: ssh connect (#) ShortLegend[ssh]: # LegendO[ssh]: SSH User Connecting; LegendI[ssh]: SSH User Connected; Title[ssh]: SSH Connections PageTop[ssh]: <H1>SSH connections</H1> Target[postgres]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ 5432` MaxBytes[postgres]: 500 Options[postgres]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[postgres]: psql connect (#) ShortLegend[postgres]: # LegendO[postgres]: PostgreSQL User Connecting; LegendI[postgres]: PostgreSQL User Connected; Title[postgres]: PostgreSQL Connections PageTop[postgres]: <H1>PostgreSQL connections</H1> Target[mysql]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ 3306` MaxBytes[mysql]: 500 Options[mysql]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[mysql]: msql connect (#) ShortLegend[mysql]: # LegendO[mysql]: MYSQL User Connecting; LegendI[mysql]: MYSQL User Connected; Title[mysql]: MYSQL Connections PageTop[mysql]: <H1>MYSQL connections</H1> Target[domain]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ 53` MaxBytes[domain]: 500 Options[domain]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[domain]: dns connect (#) ShortLegend[domain]: # LegendO[domain]: domain User Connecting; LegendI[domain]: domain User Connected; Title[domain]: domain Connections PageTop[domain]: <H1>domain connections</H1> Target[ntp]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ 123` MaxBytes[ntp]: 500 Options[ntp]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[ntp]: ntp connect (#) ShortLegend[ntp]: # LegendO[ntp]: NTP User Connecting; LegendI[ntp]: NTP User Connected; Title[ntp]: NTP Connections PageTop[ntp]: <H1>NTP connections</H1> Target[upsload]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/` MaxBytes[upsload]: 100 Options[upsload]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[upsload]: upsload (%) ShortLegend[upsload]: % LegendI[upsload]: ups load; LegendO[upsload]: bat capacity; Title[upsload]: UPS Loading PageTop[upsload]: <H1>APC UPS Loading</H1> Target[upsvolts]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ "LINEV :,OUTPUTV"` MaxBytes[upsvolts]: 200 Options[upsvolts]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[upsvolts]: ups volts ShortLegend[upsvolts]: VAC LegendI[upsvolts]: Utility Voltage; LegendO[upsvolts]: Output Voltage; Title[upsvolts]: UPS Voltage PageTop[upsvolts]: <H1>APC UPS Voltage</H1> Target[upsother]: `/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ "TIMELEFT,BATTV :"` MaxBytes[upsother]: 100 Options[upsother]: gauge, nopercent, growright YLegend[upsother]: ups others ShortLegend[upsother]: min/vdc LegendI[upsother]: Time Left; LegendO[upsother]: Bat Voltage; Title[upsother]: UPS Others PageTop[upsother]: <H1>APC UPS Others</H1>
- 啟動 mrtgd
- 確認 /opt/trysrvtool/mrtg 內的 script 要設定可執行
cd /opt/trysrvtool/mrtg chmod a+x *
- 測試執行兩次 /opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/, 第一次會出現一些 Rateup WARNING:…, 第二次應該就不會出現
/opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/ /opt/trysrvtool/mrtg/
- 設定每五分鐘執行一次
vi /etc/cron.d/mrtg
*/5 * * * * root LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg --lock-file /var/lock/mrtg/mrtg_l --confcache-file /var/lib/mrtg/mrtg.ok
service crond restart
- 設定透過 web 可以看到結果
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/mrtg.conf
Alias /mrtg /var/www/mrtg <Location /mrtg> # Order deny,allow # Deny from all # Allow from # Allow from ::1 # Allow from </Location>
service httpd restart
- 在 /var/www/mrtg/ 底下產生 index.html